martedì 26 settembre 2017

Divemaster, load my scuba gear. No thanks !!

Who's a Divemaster. Is certainly a great resource. It Combine passion e desire to grow to make it available to an instructor and/or diving center, dive club or dive shop.
More than this, some professionals think that to be a good Divemaster, candidates have to make some jobs that bother the instructors.
Concertino this point I decided to write this article on my blog hoping to make think positively all scuba diving professionals.

Let start from the beginning, telling who is a Divemaster and which are the major duties after there certification. The course is very interesting from the instructor point of view due the huge flexibility during the schedule management, and for the candidates too because he/she can discover the "behind the scenes" of the scuba diving industry.

But what does the word Divemaster means?  Using an easy way I may say MASTER OF THE DIVE.
MASTER, an important and special role, justified by expertise gained. Expert on diving theory knowledges but also practical skills and local scuba diving practices. Expert on rescue and basic life support skills but also leader of diving groups.
From my point of view as Course Director I add that the Divemaster is virtually " my eyes and my arms" when i am busy doing something else, even if he can not certify student divers as an instructor
To do that is necessary that the Instructor teach the professionalism, training standards and delivery his/her experience to the candidate.

Then let's focus to the point.
Is very true that to know the scuba diving industry you need to live it, is true that to know the courses you have to assist, is true that to live a scuba diving center/club you need to do everything, but honestly the idea that a Divemaster must to be a "sherpa" or a porter for the instructor, is something that I don't like.

To my Divemaster candidates I teach how to help scuba diving clients and student with the logistic / facility ( for ex. how to carry and load correctly the gear on a boat ), but I also teach how do not "break their back" or how to explain to others the correct way to lift heavy gears. I carry and load/download my gear by myself, I rinse and arrange my gear by myself and if is not possible at that moment,  I do it when is possible. The Divemaster is more useful  with and instructor manual on his/her hand, ready to learn the training standards and always guarantee comfort and safety

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